Data **** This endpoint provides access to submitted data in JSON format. Where: - ``pk`` - the form unique identifier - ``dataid`` - submission data unique identifier - ``owner`` - username of the owner(user/organization) of the data point GET JSON List of data end points -------------------------------- Lists the data endpoints accessible to requesting user, for anonymous access a list of public data endpoints is returned. .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data
Example ^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: [ { "id": 4240, "id_string": "dhis2form", "title": "dhis2form", "description": "dhis2form", "url": "" }, ... ] GET JSON List of data end points using limit operators ------------------------------------------------------- Lists the data endpoints accesible to the requesting user based on 'start' and/or 'limit' query parameters. Use the start parameter to skip a number of records and the limit parameter to limit the number of records returned. .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/data/{pk}?start=start_value
:: curl -X GET '' .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data/{pk}?start=start_value &limit=limit_value
:: curl -X GET '' .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data/{pk}?start=start_value&limit=limit_value
:: curl -X GET '' Fetch XForm ODK data for all forms per account in `csv` format -------------------------------------------------------------- Pull all form data for forms located within your account Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: description,id,id_string,title,url ,549,form1,First Form, ,569,form2,Second Form, ,570,Smallform,Smallform, Stream XForm submission data in `csv` format -------------------------------------------- Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: hello,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,2,n/a,uuid:6a477d27-343c-44c2-9204-bd42ec3e0796,77466,6a477d27-343c-44c2-9204-bd42ec3e0796,2021-02-23T14:14:47,2021-02-23T14:14:47,,,202001170844,,winny,0,0,True,1343 Test que,14,14,40.446947 27.283625 0 0,40.446947,27.283625,0,0,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,2,n/a,uuid:a09a9b71-b98a-4904-ab04-1ed162ab2b02,186964,a09a9b71-b98a-4904-ab04-1ed162ab2b02,2021-05-27T12:38:14,2021-05-27T12:38:14,,,202001170844,,winny,0,0,True,1343 GET JSON List of data end points filter by owner ------------------------------------------------ Lists the data endpoints accessible to requesting user, for the specified ``owner`` as a query parameter. .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data?owner=owner_username
Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET GET JSON list of submitted data for a specific form ------------------------------------------ Provides a JSON list of submitted data for a specific form. Note: Responses are automatically paginated when requesting a list of data that surpasses 10,000 records. .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data/{pk}
Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: [ { "_id": 4503, "_bamboo_dataset_id": "", "_deleted_at": null, "_edited": false, "expense_type": "service", "_xform_id": 22845, "_xform_id_string": "exp", "_geolocation": [ null, null ], "end": "2013-01-03T10:26:25.674+03", "start": "2013-01-03T10:25:17.409+03", "_duration": "", "expense_date": "2011-12-23", "_status": "submitted_via_web", "today": "2013-01-03", "_uuid": "2e599f6fe0de42d3a1417fb7d821c859", "imei": "351746052013466", "formhub/uuid": "46ea15e2b8134624a47e2c4b77eef0d4", "kind": "monthly", "_submission_time": "2013-01-03T02:27:19", "_date_modified": "2013-01-03T02:29:20", "_submitted_by": "onaio", "required": "yes", "_attachments": [], "_tags": [], "_notes": [], "item": "Rent", "amount": "35000.0", "deviceid": "351746052013466", "subscriberid": "639027...60317", "_version": "1", "_media_count": 0, "_total_media": 0, "_media_all_received": true }, .... ] GET XML list of submitted data for a specific form -------------------------------------------------- Provides an XML list of submitted data for a specific form. .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/data/{pk}.xml
Example ^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: none 1335783522563.jpg uuid:5b2cc313-fc09-437e-8149-fcd32f695d41 50 1335783522563.jpg 574 bob/attachments/574_transportation_2011_07_25/1335783522563.jpg 1957 image/jpeg /api/v1/files/50?filename=bob/attachments/574_transportation_2011_07_25/1335783522563.jpg /api/v1/files/50?filename=bob/attachments/574_transportation_2011_07_25/1335783522563.jpg&suffix=small /api/v1/files/50?filename=bob/attachments/574_transportation_2011_07_25/1335783522563.jpg&suffix=medium ... Get FLOIP flow results for a specific form ------------------------------------------ Provides a list of rows of submitted data for a specific form. Each row contains 6 values as specified |FLOIPSubmissionAPI|. The data is accessed from the data endpoint by specifiying the header ``Accept: "application/"``. .. |FLOIPSubmissionAPI| raw:: html here The values in each row are: - ``Timestamp`` - form submission timestamp - ``Row ID`` - Submission id - ``Contact ID`` - Name of the person who made the submission or null if unavailable - ``Question ID`` - The question field name - ``Response`` - The question response - ``Response metadata`` - The question options or null if none .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data/{pk} -H "Accept:application/"
Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/api/v1/data/3 -H "Accept: application/" -u username:password Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: [ [ "2017-05-23T13:35:37.119-04:00", 20394823948, 923842093, "ae54d3", "female", {"option_order": ["male","female"]} ], [ "2017-05-23T13:35:47.822-04:00", 20394823950, 923842093, "ae54d7", "chocolate", null ] ] Get FLOIP flow results for a specific submission ------------------------------------------------ Provides a list of rows of submitted data for a specific submission in a form in FLOIP resource data format as specified |FLOIPResourceData|. .. |FLOIPResourceData| raw:: html here .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data/{pk}/{dataid} -H "Accept: application/"
Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/api/v1/data/210902/19158892 -H "Accept: application/" -u username:password Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: [ [ "2017-05-23T13:35:37.119-04:00", 20394823948, 923842093, "ae54d3", "female", {"option_order": ["male","female"]} ], [ "2017-05-23T13:35:47.822-04:00", 20394823950, 923842093, "ae54d7", "chocolate", null ] ] Paginate data of a specific form --------------------------------- Returns a list of JSON or XML submitted data for a specific form using page number and the number of items per page. Use the ``page`` parameter to specify page number and ``page_size`` parameter is used to set the custom page size. - ``page`` - Integer representing the page. - ``page_size`` - Integer representing the number of records that should be returned in a single page. There are a few important facts to note about retrieving paginated data: 1. The maximum number of items that can be requested in a page via the ``page_size`` query param is 10,000 2. Information regrading transversal of the paginated responses can be found in `the Link header `_ returned in the response. *Note: Some relational links may not be present depending on the page accessed i.e the ``first`` relational page link won't be present on the first page response* JSON Example ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Sample response with link header ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -i "localhost:8000/api/v1/data/2?page=1&page_size=1" **Response Header:** :: ... Link: ; rel="next", ; rel="last" **JSON Response:** :: [ { "_id":1,"_tags":[],"_uuid":"78afb566-8293-4f42-a83f-99d5ba0061e2", "_notes":[]"_edited":false,"_status":"submitted_via_web", "_version":"202010260841","_duration":"","_xform_id":2, "plot_count":"1","_attachments":[],"_geolocation":[null,null], "_media_count":0,"_total_media":0,"formhub/uuid":"281845ab2d214ff6ac08526c0484fe34", "_submitted_by":null,"meta/instanceID":"uuid:78afb566-8293-4f42-a83f-99d5ba0061e2", "_submission_time":"2020-10-26T08:49:06","_xform_id_string":"nested_repea", "_bamboo_dataset_id":"","_media_all_received":true } ] Sort submitted data of a specific form using existing fields ------------------------------------------------------------- Provides a sorted list of json submitted data for a specific form by specifing the order in which the query returns matching data. Use the `sort` parameter to filter the list of submissions.The sort parameter has field and value pairs. :: {"field":value} Query sorted by the age field ascending. :: {"age":1} Descending sort query using the age field: :: {"age":-1} Example of Ascending Sort ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET{"age":1} Example of Descending sort ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET{"age":-1} Get a single data submission for a given form --------------------------------------------- Get a single specific submission json data providing ``pk`` and ``dataid`` as url path parameters, where: - ``pk`` - is the identifying number for a specific form - ``dataid`` - is the unique id of the data, the value of ``_id`` or ``_uuid`` .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data/{pk}/{dataid}
Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: { "_id": 4503, "_bamboo_dataset_id": "", "_deleted_at": null, "expense_type": "service", "_xform_id_string": "exp", "_geolocation": [ null, null ], "end": "2013-01-03T10:26:25.674+03", "start": "2013-01-03T10:25:17.409+03", "expense_date": "2011-12-23", "_status": "submitted_via_web", "today": "2013-01-03", "_uuid": "2e599f6fe0de42d3a1417fb7d821c859", "imei": "351746052013466", "formhub/uuid": "46ea15e2b8134624a47e2c4b77eef0d4", "kind": "monthly", "_submission_time": "2013-01-03T02:27:19", "required": "yes", "_attachments": [], "item": "Rent", "amount": "35000.0", "deviceid": "351746052013466", "subscriberid": "639027...60317" } Fetch data on select columns for a given form --------------------------------------------------- Returns a list of the selected columns from the submitted data. Use the ``fields`` parameter to specify the column data that should be returned. - ``fields`` - a comma separated list of columns on the given form. .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data/{form_pk}.json?fields=["field1", "field2"]
Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET["_id", "_last_edited"] Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: [ { "_id": 64999942, "_last_edited": null }, { "_id": 64999819, "_last_edited": null }, { "_id": 64999278, "_last_edited": null }, { "_id": 64999082, "_last_edited": null }, { "_id": 60549177, "_last_edited": null }, { "_id": 60549136, "_last_edited": null } ] Get the history of edits made to a submission ---------------------------------------------- Get a single specific submission json data providing ``pk`` and ``dataid`` as url path parameters, where: - ``pk`` - is the identifying number for a specific form - ``dataid`` - is the unique id of the data, the value of ``_id`` or ``_uuid`` .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data/{pk}/{dataid}/history
Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: [ { "_id": 3, "_bamboo_dataset_id": "", "_deleted_at": null, "expense_type": "service", "_xform_id_string": "exp", "_geolocation": [ null, null ], "end": "2013-01-03T10:26:25.674+03", "start": "2013-01-03T10:25:17.409+03", "expense_date": "2011-12-23", "_status": "submitted_via_web", "today": "2013-01-03", "_uuid": "2e599f6fe0de42d3a1417fb7d821c859", "imei": "351746052013466", "formhub/uuid": "46ea15e2b8134624a47e2c4b77eef0d4", "kind": "monthly", "_submission_time": "2013-01-03T02:27:19", "_attachments": [], "_notes": [], "item": "Rent", "amount": "35000.0", "deviceid": "351746052013466", "subscriberid": "639027...60317" }, .... ] Query submitted data of a specific form ---------------------------------------- Use the `query` or `data` parameter to pass in a JSON key/value query. When quering a date time field whose value is in ISO format such as ``2020-12-18T09:36:19.767455+00:00``, it is important to ensure the ``+`` (plus) is encoded to ``%2b``. ``+`` without encoding is parsed as whitespace. So ``2020-12-18T09:36:19.767455+00:00`` should be converted to ``2020-12-18T09:36:19.767455%2b00:00``. Example I ^^^^^^^^^ Query submissions where name is `tom` :: curl -X GET{"name":"tom"} Example II ^^^^^^^^^^ Query submissions where age is greater than 21 :: curl -X GET{"age":{"$gt":"21"}} Example III ^^^^^^^^^^^ Query submissions where age is less than or equal to 21 :: curl -X GET{"age":{"$lte":"21"}} Example IV ^^^^^^^^^^ Query submissions with case insensitive and partial search :: curl -X GET{"name":{"$i":"hosee"}} Example V ^^^^^^^^^^ Query submissions collected before specific date :: curl -X GET{"_submission_time":{"$lte": "2020-08-31"}} Example VI ^^^^^^^^^^ Query submissions collected within specific dates :: curl -X GET{"_submission_time":{"$gte": "2020-01-01", "$lte": "2020-08-31"}} Example VII ^^^^^^^^^^^ Query submissions where age is 21 or name is hosee :: curl -X GET{"$or": [{"age": "21", "name": "hosee"}]} Example VIII ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Query submissions with APPROVED submission review status :: curl -X GET{"_review_status" : "1"} Example IX ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Query submissions with REJECTED submission review status :: curl -X GET{"_review_status" : "2"} Example X ^^^^^^^^^^ Query submissions with PENDING submission review status :: curl -X GET{"_review_status" : "3"} Example XI ^^^^^^^^^^ Query submissions with pending submission review status or NULL :: curl -X GET{"$or": [{"_review_status": "3"}, {"_review_status": null}]} Example XII ^^^^^^^^^^^ Query submissions with `NULL` submission review status :: curl -X GET{"_review_status": null} All Filters Options ================================================== Filter Description ================================================== **$gt** Greater than **$gte** Greater than or Equal to **$lt** Less than **$lte** Less or Equal to **$i** Case insensitive or partial search **$or** Or ================================================== Query submitted data of a specific form using date_created ---------------------------------------------------------- Filter submissions using the date_created field Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET All Filters Options ============================= =================================== Filter Description ============================= =================================== **date_created__year** Exact year e.g. 2017 **date_created__year__lt** Year Less than **date_created__year__lte** Year Less than or Equal to **date_created__year__gt** Year Greater than **date_created__year__gte** Year Greater than or Equal to **date_created__month** Exact month e.g. 11 **date_created__month__lt** Month Less than **date_created__month__lte** Month Less than or Equal to **date_created__month__gt** Month Greater than **date_created__month__gte** Month Greater than or Equal to **date_created__day** Exact day e.g. 13 **date_created__day__lt** Day Less than **date_created__day__lte** Day Less than or Equal to **date_created__day__gt** Day Greater than **date_created__day__gte** Day Greater than or Equal to ============================= =================================== Filter options can be chained to narrow results even further. Query submitted data of a specific form using date_modified ----------------------------------------------------------- Filter submissions using the date_modified field Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET All Filters Options ============================= =================================== Filter Description ============================= =================================== **date_modified__year** Exact year e.g. 2017 **date_modified__year__lt** Year Less than **date_modified__year__lte** Year Less than or Equal to **date_modified__year__gt** Year Greater than **date_modified__year__gte** Year Greater than or Equal to **date_modified__month** Exact month e.g. 11 **date_modified__month__lt** Month Less than **date_modified__month__lte** Month Less than or Equal to **date_modified__month__gt** Month Greater than **date_modified__month__gte** Month Greater than or Equal to **date_modified__day** Exact day e.g. 13 **date_modified__day__lt** Day Less than **date_modified__day__lte** Day Less than or Equal to **date_modified__day__gt** Day Greater than **date_modified__day__gte** Day Greater than or Equal to ============================= =================================== Filter options can be chained to narrow results even further. Query submitted data of a specific form using last_edited --------------------------------------------------------- Filter submissions using the last_edited field Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET All Filters Options ============================= =================================== Filter Description ============================= =================================== **last_edited__year** Exact year e.g. 2017 **last_edited__year__lt** Year Less than **last_edited__year__lte** Year Less than or Equal to **last_edited__year__gt** Year Greater than **last_edited__year__gte** Year Greater than or Equal to **last_edited__month** Exact month e.g. 11 **last_edited__month__lt** Month Less than **last_edited__month__lte** Month Less than or Equal to **last_edited__month__gt** Month Greater than **last_edited__month__gte** Month Greater than or Equal to **last_edited__day** Exact day e.g. 13 **last_edited__day__lt** Day Less than **last_edited__day__lte** Day Less than or Equal to **last_edited__day__gt** Day Greater than **last_edited__day__gte** Day Greater than or Equal to ============================= =================================== Filter options can be chained to narrow results even further. Query submitted data of a specific form using version ----------------------------------------------------- Filter submissions using the version field Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Query submitted data of a specific form using status ---------------------------------------------------- Filter submissions using the status field Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Query submitted data of a specific form using uuid -------------------------------------------------- Filter submissions using the uuid field Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Query submitted data of a specific form using user -------------------------------------------------- Filter submissions using the user field Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET All Filters Options =================== =================================== Filter Description =================== =================================== **user__id** user's id **user__username** user's username =================== =================================== Query submitted data of a specific form using submitted_by ---------------------------------------------------------- Filter submissions using the submitted_by field Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET All Filters Options =========================== =================================== Filter Description =========================== =================================== **submitted_by__id** submitted_by user's id **submitted_by__username** submitted_by user's username =========================== =================================== Query submitted data of a specific form using survey_type --------------------------------------------------------- Filter submissions using the survey_type field Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Query submitted data of a specific form using media_all_received ---------------------------------------------------------------- Filter submissions using the media_all_received field Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Query submitted data of a specific form using Tags -------------------------------------------------- Provides a list of json submitted data for a specific data/form matching specific tags. Use the `tags` query parameter to filter the list of forms, `tags` should be a comma separated list of tags. You can use the `not_tagged` query parameter to exclude data/forms that is not tagged with the specific comma separated list of tags. .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data?tags=tag1,tag2
  GET /api/v1/data/{pk}?tags=tag1,tag2
  GET /api/v1/data?not_tagged=tag1,tag2
  GET /api/v1/data/{pk}?not_tagged=tag2
Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Tag a submission data point ---------------------------- A ``POST`` payload of parameter `tags` with a comma separated list of tags. Examples ^^^^^^^^^ - ``animal fruit denim`` - space delimited, no commas - ``animal, fruit denim`` - comma delimited .. raw:: html
  POST /api/v1/data/{pk}/{dataid}/labels
**Payload** :: {"tags": "tag1, tag2"} Delete a specific tag from a submission ---------------------------------------- .. raw:: html
  DELETE /api/v1/data/{pk}/{dataid}/labels/tag_name
Request ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X DELETE or to delete the tag "hello world" :: curl -X DELETE Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 200 OK Get list of public data endpoints ---------------------------------- .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data/public
Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: [ { "id": 4240, "id_string": "dhis2form", "title": "dhis2form", "description": "dhis2form", "url": "" }, ... ] Get enketo edit link for a submission instance ----------------------------------------------- .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data/{pk}/{dataid}/enketo
Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: {"url": ""} Delete a specific submission instance -------------------------------------- **Delete a specific submission in a form** .. raw:: html
  DELETE /api/v1/data/{pk}/{dataid}
Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X DELETE Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 204 No Content Delete a subset of submissions ------------------------------- **Delete multiple submissions in a form** .. raw:: html
  DELETE /api/v1/data/{pk}
A POST payload of parameter `instance_ids` with a comma separated list of submission ids. **Payload** :: instance_ids = '101425,108428,1974624' Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: 'curl -X DELETE' -d 'instance_ids=101425,108428,1974624' Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: {"status_code": 200, "message": "3 records were deleted"} Delete all submissions in a form --------------------------------- **Delete all submissions in a form** .. raw:: html
  DELETE /api/v1/data/{pk}
A POST payload of parameter `delete_all` with the value 'True'. The value is 'False' by default. **Payload** :: delete_all = 'True' Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: 'curl -X DELETE' -d 'delete_all="True"' Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: {"status_code": 200, "message": "3 records were deleted"} Permanent Deletion of Submissions ------------------------------------ **Permanently Delete a specific submission instance** `DELETE /api/v1/data/{pk}/{dataid}` A POST payload of parameter `permanent_delete` with the value 'True'. The value is 'False' by default. Note: This functionality is only enabled when the ``ENABLE_SUBMISSION_PERMANENT_DELETE`` setting is set to `True` within the application **Payload** :: permanent_delete = 'True' Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: `curl -X DELETE' -d 'permanent_delete=True'` Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 204 No Content **Permanently Delete a subset of submissions** `DELETE /api/v1/data/{pk}` Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: `curl -X DELETE' -d 'permanent_delete=True' -d 'instance_ids=101425,108428,1974624'` Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: { "status_code": "200", "message": "3 records were deleted" } GEOJSON ------- Get a valid geojson value from the submissions **Options** - ``geo_field`` - valid field that can be converted to a geojson (Point, LineString, Polygon). - ``fields`` - additional comma separated values that are to be added to the properties section - ``simple_style`` - boolean to enable or disable Mapbox Geojson simplestyle spec - ``title`` - adds a title field and value to geojson properties section **List all the geojson values for a submission** .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data/{form_pk}/{dataid}.geojson
Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 200 OK Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "GeometryCollection", "geometries": [{ "type": "Point", "coordinates": [36.787219, -1.294197] }] }, "properties": { "id": 6448, "xform": 65 } } **List all the geojson values for a given form** .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data/{form_pk}.geojson
Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^^ **HTTP 200 OK** Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "GeometryCollection", "geometries": [{ "type": "Point", "coordinates": [36.787219, -1.294197] }] }, "properties": { "id": 6448, "xform": 65 } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "GeometryCollection", "geometries": [{ "type": "Point", "coordinates": [36.7872606, -1.2942131] }] }, "properties": { "id": 6447, "xform": 65 } }] } **List the geojson data, for a polygon field, for a given submission** .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data/{pk}/{dataid}.geojson?geo_field={name_of_field_on_form}
Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^^ **HTTP 200 OK** Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 36.747679, -1.300717 ], [ 36.752386, -1.305222 ], [ 36.751879, -1.300642 ], [ 36.747679, -1.300717 ] ] ] }, "properties": { "id": 60549136, "xform": 513322 } } **List the geojson data, for a geotrace field, for a given submission. Add fields to the properties attribute** .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data/{pk}/{dataid}.geojson?geo_field={name_of_field_on_form}
Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^^ **HTTP 200 OK** Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 36.745623, -1.302819 ], [ 36.750326, -1.299129 ] ] }, "properties": { "id": 60549136, "xform": 513322 } } **Fetch geojson values for a submission with populated properties attribute** .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data/{pk}/{dataid}.geojson?fields={_id,_last_edited}
Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET,_last_edited Response ^^^^^^^^^ **HTTP 200 OK** Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "GeometryCollection", "geometries": [ { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 36.744421, -1.29943 ] } ] }, "properties": { "id": 60549136, "xform": 513322, "_id": 60549136, "_last_edited": null } } **List all the geojson values for a given form with simplestyle-spec enabled and title prop set** .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data/{form_pk}.geojson?geo_field={name_of_field_on_form}&simple_style=true&title={name_of_title_field_on_form}
Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^^ **HTTP 200 OK** Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [36.787219, -1.294197] }, "properties": { "id": 6448, "xform": 65, "title": "my_field" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [36.7872606, -1.2942131] }, "properties": { "id": 6447, "xform": 65, "title": "my_field" } }] } **Paginate geojson data for a given form** Returns a list of geojson features for a specific form using page number and the number of items per page. Use the ``page`` parameter to specify page number and ``page_size`` parameter to set the custom page size. - ``page`` - Integer representing the page. - ``page_size`` - Integer representing the number of features that should be returned in a single page. .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data/{form_pk}.geojson?page={page_number}&page_size={page_size_number}
Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^^ **HTTP 200 OK** Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "GeometryCollection", "geometries": [{ "type": "Point", "coordinates": [36.787219, -1.294197] }] }, "properties": { "id": 6448, "xform": 65 } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "GeometryCollection", "geometries": [{ "type": "Point", "coordinates": [36.7872606, -1.2942131] }] }, "properties": { "id": 6447, "xform": 65 } }] } OSM ---- The `.osm` file format concatenates all the files for a form or individual submission. When the `.json` endpoint is accessed, the individual osm files are listed on the `_attachments` key. OSM endpoint for all osm files uploaded to a form concatenated. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data/{pk}.osm
Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET OSM endpoint with all osm files for a specific submission concatenated. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/data/{pk}/{data_id}.osm
Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET