DataView ******** This endpoint provides access to filtered data from submitted XForm data. Where: - ``pk`` - is the dataview id Definition ^^^^^^^^^^ - ``columns`` - Json list of columns to be included in the data - ``query`` - Json list of dicts with filter information. Each dict contains: - ``column`` - The column the filter will be applied to. - ``filter`` - The filter that will be used. - ``value`` - The value to filter with. - ``condition`` - (optional) This indicates which logical conjuction to use. Either ``AND``/``OR`` Default is ``AND`` Current Supported Filters ======= =================== Filter Description ======= =================== **=** Equal to **>** Greater than **<** Less than **<=** Less or Equal to **>=** Great or Equal to **<>** Not Equal to **!=** Not Equal to ======= =================== Example: :: { "column":"age", "filter":">", "value":"20", "condition":"or" } Create a new DataView ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
	POST /api/v1/dataviews
Example ------- :: { 'name': "My DataView", 'xform': '', 'project': '', 'columns': '["name", "age", "gender"]', 'query': '[{"column":"age", "filter":">", "value":"20"}]' } Response -------- :: { name: "My DataView", url: "", xform: "", project: "", columns: [ "name", "age", "gender" ], query: [ { filter: ">", column: "age", value: "20" } ] } Retrieve a DataView ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
	GET /api/v1/dataviews/{pk}
Response -------- :: { name: "My DataView", url: "", xform: "", project: "", columns: [ "name", "age", "gender" ], query: [ { filter: ">", column: "age", value: "20" } ] } List all DataView ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
	GET /api/v1/dataviews
Response -------- :: [ { name: "My DataView", url: "", xform: "", project: "", columns: [ "name", "age", "gender" ], query: [ { filter: ">", column: "age", value: "20" } ] }, { name: "My DataView2", url: "", xform: "", project: "", columns: [ "name", "age", "gender" ], query: [ { filter: ">", column: "age", value: "30" } ] } ] Update a DataView ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
	PUT /api/v1/dataviews/{pk}
Example ------- :: { 'name': "My DataView updated", 'xform': '', 'project': '', 'columns': '["name", "age", "gender"]', 'query': '[{"col":"age", "filter":">", "value":"30"}]' } Response -------- :: { name: "My DataView updated", url: "", xform: "", project: "", columns: [ "name", "age", "gender" ], query: [ { filter: ">", column: "age", value: "30" } ] } Patch a DataView ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
	PATCH /api/v1/dataviews/{pk}
Example ------- :: { 'columns': '["name", "age", "gender", "date"]' } Response -------- :: { name: "My DataView updated", url: "", xform: "", project: "", columns: [ "name", "age", "gender", "date" ], query: [ { filter: ">", column: "age", value: "30" } ] } Delete a DataView ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
	DELETE /api/v1/dataviews/{pk}
Response -------- :: HTTP 204 NO CONTENT Retrieving Data from the DataView ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Returns the data using the dataview filters .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/dataviews/{pk}/data
:: curl -X GET '' Example Response ---------------- :: [ {"date": "2015-05-19", "gender": "male", "age": 32, "name": "Kendy"}, {"date": "2015-05-19", "gender": "female", "age": 41, "name": "Maasai"}, {"date": "2015-05-19", "gender": "male", "age": 21, "name": "Tom"} ] Retrieving Data using limit operators ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Returns the data to the requesting user based on 'start' and/or 'limit' query parameters. Use the start parameter to skip a number of records and the limit parameter to limit the number of records returned. .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/dataviews/{pk}/data?start=start_value
:: curl -X GET '' .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/dataviews/{pk}/data?start=start_value &limit=limit_value
:: curl -X GET '' .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/dataviews/{pk}/data?start=start_value&limit=limit_value
:: curl -X GET '' Counting the Data in the DataView ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/dataviews/{pk}/data?count=true
:: curl -X GET '' Example Response ---------------- :: [ {"count":36} ] Export Dataview Data Asynchronously ----------------------------------- .. raw:: html
	GET /api/v1/dataviews/{pk}/export_async
Example ^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 202 Accepted {"job_uuid": "d1559e9e-5bab-480d-9804-e32111e8b2b8"} Check progress of exporting form data asynchronously ----------------------------------------------------- .. raw:: html
	GET /api/v1/dataviews/{pk}/export_async?job_uuid=UUID
Example ^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ If the job is done: :: HTTP 202 Accepted { "job_status": "SUCCESS", "export_url": "" } Export Dataview Data Synchronously ----------------------------------- .. raw:: html
	GET /api/v1/dataviews/{pk}/data.{format}
Example ^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ File is downloaded Get a list of chart field endpoints for a specific dataview. ------------------------------------------------------------------- .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/dataviews/{dataview_pk}/charts
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: { "id": 4240, "url": "", "fields": { "uuid": "", "num": "", ... } } Get a chart for a specific field in a dataview ---------------------------------------------- - ``field_name`` - a field name in the dataview - ``format`` - ``json`` .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/dataviews/{dataview_id}/charts.{format}?field_name=field_name
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ - ``html`` format response is a html, javascript and css to the chart - ``json`` format response is the ``JSON`` data that can be passed to a charting library