Forms ****** Publish XLSForms, List, Retrieve Published Forms. -------------------------------------------------- Where: - ``pk`` - is the form unique identifier Upload XLSForm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To publish and xlsform, you need to provide either the xlsform via `xls_file` \ parameter or a link to the xlsform via the `xls_url` parameter. Optionally, you can specify the target account where the xlsform should be \ published using the `owner` parameter, which specifies the username to the account. - ``xls_file``: the xlsform file. - ``xls_url``: the url to an xlsform - ``dropbox_xls_url``: the drop box url to an xlsform - ``owner``: username to the target account (Optional) .. raw:: html
    POST /api/v1/forms
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X POST -F xls_file=@/path/to/form.xls **OR post an xlsform url** :: curl -X POST -d "xls_url=" **OR post an xlsform via Dropbox url** :: curl -X POST -d "dropbox_xls_url=" Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: { "url": "", "formid": 28058, "uuid": "853196d7d0a74bca9ecfadbf7e2f5c1f", "id_string": "Birds", "sms_id_string": "Birds", "title": "Birds", "allows_sms": false, "bamboo_dataset": "", "description": "", "downloadable": true, "encrypted": false, "owner": "ona", "public": false, "public_data": false, "date_created": "2013-07-25T14:14:22.892Z", "date_modified": "2013-07-25T14:14:22.892Z", "last_updated_at": "2013-07-25T14:14:22.892Z" } Publish FLOIP results data package ---------------------------------- To publish a FLOIP form, upload the JSON flow results data package in the example format |FLOIPDataPackage|. .. |FLOIPDataPackage| raw:: html here The following FLOIP question types are supported by Ona API: - ``select_one`` - ``select_many`` - ``numeric`` - ``text`` - ``image`` - ``video`` - ``audio`` - ``geopoint`` - ``datetime`` - ``date`` - ``time`` .. raw:: html
    POST /api/v1/forms
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X POST -F floip_file=@/path/to/datapackage.json -u username:password Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: { "url":"http://localhost:8000/api/v1/forms/21", "formid":21, "metadata":[], "owner":"http://localhost:8000/api/v1/users/nate", "created_by":"http://localhost:8000/api/v1/users/nate", "public":false,"public_data":false, "require_auth":false, "submission_count_for_today":0, "tags":[], "title":"A nice title", "users":[{"first_name":"","last_name":"","is_org":false,"role":"owner","user":"nate","metadata":{}}], "enketo_url":"", "enketo_preview_url":null, "num_of_submissions":0, "last_submission_time":null, "form_versions":[], "data_views":[], "has_id_string_changed":false, "description":"", "downloadable":true, "allows_sms":false, "encrypted":false, "sms_id_string":"flow-results-example-1", "id_string":"flow-results-example-1", "date_created":"2017-11-07T09:29:23.420592Z", "date_modified":"2017-11-07T09:29:23.420616Z", "uuid":"8cb95a6d3eea4e8c84e3ecf156836ec2", "bamboo_dataset":"", "instances_with_geopoints":false, "instances_with_osm":false, "version":"201711070929", "has_hxl_support":false, "last_updated_at":"2017-11-07T09:29:23.420698Z", "hash":"md5:76d150daa39fe0214acab50bda64c90f", "is_merged_dataset":false, "project":"http://localhost:8000/api/v1/projects/1" } Get list of forms ------------------ .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/forms
Request ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Get list of forms filter by owner ---------------------------------- .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/forms?owner=owner_username
Request ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Get a paginated list of forms ------------------------------ Returns a list of JSON forms using page number and the number of items per page. Use the ``page`` parameter to specify page number and ``page_size`` parameter is used to set the custom page size. - ``page`` - Integer representing the page. - ``page_size`` - Integer representing the number of records that should be returned in a single page. The maximum number of items that can be requested in a page via the ``page_size`` query param is 10,000 .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/forms.json?page=1page_size=10
Request ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Get Form Information --------------------- .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/forms/{pk}
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ :: { "url": "", "formid": 28058, "uuid": "853196d7d0a74bca9ecfadbf7e2f5c1f", "id_string": "Birds", "sms_id_string": "Birds", "title": "Birds", "allows_sms": false, "bamboo_dataset": "", "description": "", "downloadable": true, "encrypted": false, "owner": "", "public": false, "public_data": false, "require_auth": false, "date_created": "2013-07-25T14:14:22.892Z", "date_modified": "2013-07-25T14:14:22.892Z", "last_updated_at": "2013-07-25T14:14:22.892Z" } Set Form Information -------------------- You can use ``PUT`` or ``PATCH`` http methods to update or set form data elements. If you are using ``PUT``, you have to provide the `uuid, description, downloadable, owner, public, public_data, title` fields. With ``PATCH`` you only need to provide at least one of the fields. Replacing a Form ---------------- Provide either of the following fields: - ``xls_file`` or ``xls_url`` or ``dropbox_xls_url`` Form can only be updated when there are no submissions. .. raw:: html
    PATCH /api/v1/forms/{pk}
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X PATCH -d "public=True" -d "description=Le description" Response ^^^^^^^^ :: { "url": "", "formid": 28058, "uuid": "853196d7d0a74bca9ecfadbf7e2f5c1f", "id_string": "Birds", "sms_id_string": "Birds", "title": "Birds", "allows_sms": false, "bamboo_dataset": "", "description": "Le description", "downloadable": true, "encrypted": false, "owner": "", "public": true, "public_data": false, "date_created": "2013-07-25T14:14:22.892Z", "date_modified": "2013-07-25T14:14:22.892Z" } Delete Form ------------ .. raw:: html
    DELETE /api/v1/forms/{pk}
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X DELETE Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 204 NO CONTENT List of form data exports ------------------------- Get a list of exports .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/export
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ :: [{ "id": 1, "job_status": "SUCCESS", "task_id": "54b7159b-3b53-4e3c-b2a7-a5ed51adcfe9", "type": "xls", "xform": "", "error_message": "" }, { "id": 2, "job_status": "PENDING", "task_id": "54b7159b-3b53-4e3c-b2a7-a5ed51adcde9", "type": "xls", "xform": "", "error_message": "" }, { "id": 3, "job_status": "FAILED", "task_id": "54b7159b-3b53-4e3c-b2a7-a5ed51adcfe9", "type": "xls", "xform": "", "error_message": "Something unexpected happened" }] Get a list of exports on a form .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/export?xform={pk}
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ :: [{ "id": 1, "job_status": "SUCCESS", "task_id": "54b7159b-3b53-4e3c-b2a7-a5ed51adcfe9", "type": "xls", "xform": "", "error_message": "" }] Export form data asynchronously ------------------------------- Supported formats for exports are: - ``csv`` - ``xls`` - ``savzip`` - ``csvzip`` - ``kml`` - ``osm`` - ``gsheets`` .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/forms/{pk}/export_async?format={format}
Example ^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ JSON response could include the `job_status`, `job_uuid` and `error_message` for why an export failed. :: HTTP 202 Accepted {"job_uuid": "d1559e9e-5bab-480d-9804-e32111e8b2b8"} Google Sheets Export -------------------- Google sheets export works similar to the normal async export but with one more step google authorization step. The first time generating google sheets export google authorization is required. :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 403 Forbidden { "url":"", "details":"Google authorization needed" } Use that url for authorization. Google Sheet Authorization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Optional `redirect_uri` can be provided in this step. This `redirect_uri` will recieve `code` from google and with this code pass it to this url `` to finish the authorization steps. Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 201 Created Export submitted data of a specific form version ------------------------------------------------ Use the `query` parameter to pass in a JSON key/value query. Example: ^^^^^^^^ Querying data with a specific version :: query={"_version": "2014111"} Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET{"_version": "2014111"} You can use the `job_uuid` value to check the progress of data export Check progress of exporting form data asynchronously ----------------------------------------------------- .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/forms/{pk}/export_async?job_uuid=UUID
Example ^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ If the job is done: :: HTTP 202 Accepted { "job_status": "SUCCESS", "export_url": "" } CSV and XLS exports without group name prefixed to the field names ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To generate csv or xls export with the group name truncated from the field names set `remove_group_name` param to `true`. Default for this param is `false`. Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET CSV and XLS exports with either '.' or '/' group delimiter in header names ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To generate csv or xls export that has either '.' or '/' in header names, you can set `group_delimiter` param to either '.' or '/'. The default group delimeter is `/`. Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET CSV and XLS exports with option to split multiple select fields ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To generate csv or xls export whose mutliple select fields are not split you can pass `do_not_split_select_multiples`. If this is not passed the default occurs and select multiples are split. Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Include labels in CSV, SAVZIP, XLS and zipped CSV exports ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ By default labels are not included in exports. To include labels in the exports, use the `include_labels` param, acceptable values are `true` and `false`. Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET curl -X GET Include review fields in CSV, SAVZIP, XLS and zipped CSV exports ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Forms that have review enabled have review fields included by default on exports. To make reviews optional in the exports, we use the `include_reviews` param, acceptable values are `true` and `false`. Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET curl -X GET Include labels as column headers in CSV, SAVZIP, XLS and zipped CSV exports ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ By default labels are not included in exports. To include labels as column headers in the exports, use the `include_labels_only` param, acceptable values are `true` and `false`. Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET curl -X GET CSV and XLS exports with either '.' or '/' group delimiter in header names Include image links in CSV, SAVZIP, XLS and zipped CSV exports ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ By default image links are included in exports. To exclude the image links in the exports, use the `include_images` param, acceptable values are `true` and `false`. Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET curl -X GET Include HXL row in exports ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ By default the HXL row is included for forms that have instance::HXL in exports. To exclude the HXL row in the exports, use the `include_hxl` param, acceptable values are `true` and `false`. Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET curl -X GET Windows Excel compatible unicode CSV exports ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For a Windows Excel compatible unicode CSV export use the `win_excel_utf8` param, acceptable values are `true` and `false`. This allows you to open the CSV file in Windows Excel by default without following the data import from file process which allows you to select the encoding format. The default value is `false`. Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET curl -X GET Delete an XLS form asynchronously ----------------------------------- .. raw:: html
    POST /api/v1/forms/{pk}/delete_async
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X DELETE Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 202 Accepted {"job_uuid": "d1559e9e-5bab-480d-9804-e32111e8b2b8"} You can use the ``job_uuid`` value to check on the upload progress (see below) Check on XLS form deletion progress ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/forms/{pk}/delete_async?job_uuid=UUID
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ If the job is done: :: HTTP 202 Accepted {"job_status": "SUCCESS"} List Forms ------------ .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/forms
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ :: [ { "url": "", "formid": 28058, "uuid": "853196d7d0a74bca9ecfadbf7e2f5c1f", "id_string": "Birds", "sms_id_string": "Birds", "title": "Birds", ... }, ... ] Get `JSON` | `XML` | `XLS` Form Representation ---------------------------------------------- .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/forms/{pk}/form.{format}
JSON Example ^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ :: { "name": "Birds", "title": "Birds", "default_language": "default", "id_string": "Birds", "type": "survey", "children": [ { "type": "text", "name": "name", "label": "1. What is your name?" }, ... ] } XML Example ^^^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ :: Birds ..... XLS Example ^^^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ **XLS file downloaded** Get list of forms with specific tag(s) -------------------------------------- Use the ``tags`` query parameter to filter the list of forms, ``tags`` should be a comma separated list of tags. .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/forms?tags=tag1,tag2
List forms tagged ``smart`` or ``brand new`` or both. Request ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET,brand+new Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 200 OK Response ^^^^^^^^ :: [ { "url": "", "formid": 28058, "uuid": "853196d7d0a74bca9ecfadbf7e2f5c1f", "id_string": "Birds", "sms_id_string": "Birds", "title": "Birds", ... }, ... ] Get list of Tags for a specific Form ------------------------------------- .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/forms/{pk}/labels
Request ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ :: ["old", "smart", "clean house"] Tag forms --------- A ``POST`` payload of parameter ``tags`` with a comma separated list of tags. Examples ^^^^^^^^ - ``animal fruit denim`` - space delimited, no commas - ``animal, fruit denim`` - comma delimited .. raw:: html
    POST /api/v1/forms/{pk}/labels
Payload :: {"tags": "tag1, tag2"} Delete a specific tag ------------------------ .. raw:: html
    DELETE /api/v1/forms/{pk}/labels/tag_name
Request ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X DELETE or to delete the tag "hello world" :: curl -X DELETE Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 204 NO CONTENT Get list of forms containing data with osm files ------------------------------------------------ Use the ``instances_with__osm`` query parameter to filter the list of forms that has osm file submissions. Accepted values are ``True`` and ``False``. .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/forms?instances_with_osm=True
HTTP 200 OK Get webform/enketo link ------------------------ .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/forms/{pk}/enketo
Request ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 200 OK Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: { "enketo_url": "", "enketo_preview_url": "" } Get webform/enketo link with default form values ------------------------------------------------- .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/forms/{pk}/enketo?name=value
Request ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 200 OK Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: { "enketo_url": "[%2Fform_id%2Fname]=test", "enketo_preview_url": "" } Get single submission url ------------------------- .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/forms/{pk}/enketo?survey_type=single
Request ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 200 OK Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: { "single_submit_url": "" } Get form data in xls, csv format. --------------------------------- Get form data exported as xls, csv, csv zip, sav zip format. Where: - ``pk`` - is the form unique identifier - ``format`` - is the data export format i.e csv, xls, csvzip, savzip, osm Params for the custom xls report - ``meta`` - the metadata id containing the template url - ``token`` - the template url - ``data_id`` - the unique id of the submission .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/forms/{pk}.{format}
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Binary file export of the format specified is returned as the response for the download. Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 200 OK Example 2 Custom XLS reports (beta) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET or :: curl -X GET{url} XLS file is downloaded Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 200 OK Example 3 Custom XLS reports with meta or token and data_id(beta) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/forms/{pk}.{format}?{meta}&{data_id} -L -o {filename.xls}
:: curl "" -L -o data.xlsx or :: curl "{url}&data_id=7" -L -o data.xlsx XLS file is downloaded Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 200 OK Get list of public forms -------------------------- .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/forms/public
Share a form with a specific username or usernames -------------------------------------------------- You can share a form with a specific username or a list of usernames using `POST` with a payload of - ``username`` OR ``usernames`` of the usernames you want to share the form with, multiple usernames should be comma separated, and - ``role`` you want the user to have on the form. Available roles are ``readonly``, ``dataentry``, ``editor``, ``manager``. .. raw:: html
    POST /api/v1/forms/{pk}/share
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X POST -d '{"username": "alice", "role": "readonly"}' Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X POST -d '{"usernames": "alice,bob,eve", "role": "readonly"}' Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 204 NO CONTENT Preview a survey draft ---------------------------------- This endpoint used to retrieve an xml representation of a survey draft. You will need to make a `POST` request with the survey draft data in a `body` variable for a survey draft file to be created. The repsonse is a json object with 2 keys, `unique_string` and `username`. The `unique_string`'s value is the name of the survey draft file created and the `username` is the user's username. Both should be added as query params when making a `GET` request to the same url inorder to retrieve the xml representation of the survey draft. .. raw:: html
  POST /api/v1/forms/survey_preview
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X POST -d '{"body": }' Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 200 OK .. raw:: html
  GET /api/v1/forms/survey_preview.xml?filename={unique_string}&username={username}
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET\?filename\=&username= Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 200 OK Clone a form to a specific user account ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can clone a form to a specific user account using `POST` with - `username` of the user you want to clone the form to - `project_id` of the specific project you want to assign the form to (optional) .. raw:: html
    POST /api/v1/forms/{pk}/clone
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X POST -d username=alice Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 201 CREATED Response ^^^^^^^^ :: { "url": "", "formid": 124, "uuid": "853196d7d0a74bca9ecfadbf7e2f5c1e", "id_string": "Birds_cloned_1", "sms_id_string": "Birds_cloned_1", "title": "Birds_cloned_1", ... } .. raw:: html
  POST /api/v1/forms/{pk}/clone
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X POST -d username=alice project_id=7003 Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 201 CREATED Response ^^^^^^^^ :: { "url": "", "formid": 124, "uuid": "853196d7d0a74bca9ecfadbf7e2f5c1e", "id_string": "Birds_cloned_1", "sms_id_string": "Birds_cloned_1", "title": "Birds_cloned_1", "project": '' ... } Import CSV data to existing form --------------------------------- - `csv_file` a valid csv file with exported data (instance/submission per row). Use the `overwrite` query parameter to clear all previous submissions while importing submissions. Note: Overwrites are not reversible & the `uuid` column is ignored during the process and is always regenerated. .. raw:: html
    POST /api/v1/forms/{pk}/csv_import
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X POST -F csv_file=@/path/to/csv_import.csv If the job was executed immediately: Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 200 OK { "additions": 9, "updates": 0 } If the import is a long running task: Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 200 OK {"task_id": "04874cee-5fea-4552-a6c1-3c182b8b511f"} You can use the `task_id` value to check on the import progress (see below) Check on CSV data import progress ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - `job_uuid` a valid csv import job_uuid returned by a long running import \ previous call .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/forms/{pk}/csv_import?job_uuid=UUID
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ If the job is done: :: HTTP 200 OK { "additions": 90000, "updates": 10000 } If the import is still running: :: HTTP 200 OK { "current": 100, "total": 100000 } Import XLS, XLSX and CSV data to existing form ---------------------------------------------- - `csv_file` a valid csv file with exported data (instance/submission per row) - `xls_file` a valid xls or xlsx file with exported data (instance/submission per row) .. raw:: html
    POST /api/v1/forms/{pk}/import
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X POST -F xls_file=@/path/to/xls_import.xls or :: curl -X POST -F csv_file=@/path/to/csv_import.csv If the job was executed immediately: Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 200 OK { "additions": 9, "updates": 0 } If the import is a long running task: Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 200 OK {"task_id": "04874cee-5fea-4552-a6c1-3c182b8b511f"} You can use the `task_id` value to check on the import progress (see below) Check on CSV, XLS, XLSX data import progress ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - `job_uuid` a valid csv import job_uuid returned by a long running import \ previous call .. raw:: html
    GET /api/v1/forms/{pk}/import?job_uuid=UUID
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ If the job is done: :: HTTP 200 OK { "additions": 90000, "updates": 10000 } If the import is still running: :: HTTP 200 OK { "current": 100, "total": 100000 } Upload a XLS form async ----------------------- .. raw:: html
POST /api/v1/forms/create_async
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X POST -F xls_file=@/path/to/xls_file Response ^^^^^^^^ :: HTTP 202 Accepted {"job_uuid": "d1559e9e-5bab-480d-9804-e32111e8b2b8"} You can use the `job_uuid value to check on the upload progress` (see below) List out all retrievable XLS form versions ------------------------------------------ .. raw:: html
GET /api/v1/forms/{form_id}/versions
Example ^^^^^^^ curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ :: [ { "xform": "", "url": "", "xml": "", "created_by": "", "version": "202103011453", "date_created": "2021-03-04T03:23:26.133852-05:00", "date_modified": "2021-03-04T03:23:26.133918-05:00" }, { "xform": "", "url": "", "xml": "", "created_by": "", "version": "202103011520", "date_created": "2021-07-04T03:23:26.133852-05:00", "date_modified": "2021-07-04T03:23:26.133918-05:00" } ] Retrieve JSON definition of an XLS Form version ----------------------------------------------- .. raw:: html
GET /api/v1/forms/{form_id}/versions/{version_id}
Example ^^^^^^^ curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ :: { "name": "data", "type": "survey", "title": "aWqGvTknt7hucR9VdoR6AM_1", "id_string": "aWqGvTknt7hucR9VdoR6AM_1", "sms_keyword": "aWqGvTknt7hucR9VdoR6AM_1", "default_language": "default", "version": "202102161351", "children": [ { "name": "start", "type": "start" }, { "name": "end", "type": "end" }, { "name": "What_s_your_name", "label": "What's your name", "type": "text", "bind": { "required": "false" } }, { "name": "age", "label": "How old ?", "type": "text" }, { "name": "meta", "type": "group", "control": { "bodyless": true }, "children": [ { "name": "instanceID", "type": "calculate", "bind": { "readonly": "true()", "jr:preload": "uid" } } ] } ] } Retrieve XML definition of an XLS Form version ----------------------------------------------- .. raw:: html
GET /api/v1/forms/{form_id}/versions/{version_id}.xml
Example ^^^^^^^ curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ :: aWqGvTknt7hucR9VdoR6AM_1 Check on XLS form upload progress --------------------------------- .. raw:: html
GET /api/v1/forms/create_async/?job_uuid=UUID
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ If the job is done: :: { "url": "", "formid": 28058, "uuid": "853196d7d0a74bca9ecfadbf7e2f5c1f", "id_string": "Birds", "sms_id_string": "Birds", "title": "Birds", "allows_sms": false, "bamboo_dataset": "", "description": "", "downloadable": true, "encrypted": false, "owner": "ona", "public": false, "public_data": false, "date_created": "2013-07-25T14:14:22.892Z", "date_modified": "2013-07-25T14:14:22.892Z" } If the upload is still running: :: HTTP 202 Accepted { "job_status": "PENDING" }