Organizations ************* Register a new Organization --------------------------- .. raw:: html
POST /api/v1/orgs
Example ^^^^^^^ :: { "org": "modilabs", "name": "Modi Labs Research", "email": "", "city": "New York", "country": "US", ... } List of Organizations --------------------- .. raw:: html
GET /api/v1/orgs
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ :: [ { "url": "", "org": "modilabs", "name": "Modi Labs Research", "email": "", "city": "New York", "country": "US", "website": "", "twitter": "", "gravatar": "", "require_auth": false, "user": "", "creator": "" }, ... ] List of Organizations Shared with Another User ---------------------------------------------- .. raw:: html
GET /api/v1/orgs?shared_with={username}
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Retrieve Organization Profile Information ----------------------------------------- .. raw:: html
GET /api/v1/orgs/{username}
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ :: { "url": "", "org": "modilabs", "name": "Modi Labs Research", "email": "", "city": "New York", "country": "US", "website": "", "twitter": "", "gravatar": "", "require_auth": false, "user": "", "creator": "" } Partial updates of Organization Profile Information --------------------------------------------------- Organization profile properties can be updated using ``PATCH`` http method. Payload required is for properties that are to be changed in JSON, for example , ``{"metadata": {"computer": "mac"}}`` will set the metadata to ``{"computer": "mac"}``. .. raw:: html
PATCH /api/v1/orgs/{username}
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X PATCH -d ‘{“metadata”: {“computer”: “mac”}}’ -H “Content-Type: application/json” Response ^^^^^^^^ :: { "url": "", "org": "modilabs", "name": "Modi Labs Research", "email": "", "city": "New York", "country": "US", "website": "", "twitter": "", "gravatar": "", "require_auth": false, "metadata": { "computer": "mac" }, "user": "", "creator": "" } List Organization members ------------------------- Get a list of organization members. .. raw:: html
GET /api/v1/orgs/{username}/members
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X GET Response ^^^^^^^^ :: ["member1", "member2"] Add a user to an organization ----------------------------- To add a user to an organization requires a JSON payload of ``{"username": "member1"}``. You can add an optional parameter to define the role of the user.\ ``{"username": "member1", "role": "editor"}`` .. raw:: html
POST /api/v1/orgs/{username}/members
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X POST -d '{"username": "member1"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" Response ^^^^^^^^ :: ["member1"] Send an email to a user added to an organization ------------------------------------------------ An email is only sent when the ``email_msg`` request variable is present, ``email_subject`` is optional. .. raw:: html
   POST /api/v1/orgs/{username}/members
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X POST -d '{"username": "member1", "email_msg": "You have been added to Ona", "email_subject": "Your have been added"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" Response ^^^^^^^^ :: ["member1"] Change the role of a user in an organization -------------------------------------------- To change the role of a user in an organization pass the username and role ``{"username": "member1", "role": "owner|manager|editor|dataentry|readonly"}``. .. raw:: html
PUT /api/v1/orgs/{username}/members
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X PUT -d '{"username": "member1", "role": "editor"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" Response ^^^^^^^^ :: ["member1"] Remove a user from an organization ---------------------------------- To remove a user from an organization requires a JSON payload of ``{"username": "member1"}``. .. raw:: html
DELETE /api/v1/orgs/{username}/members
Example ^^^^^^^ :: curl -X DELETE -d '{"username": "member1"}' -H "Content-Type:application/json" Response ^^^^^^^^ :: []