Submission Stats ***************** Provides submissions counts grouped by a specified field. It accepts query parameters `group` and `name`. Default result is grouped by `_submission_time`, hence you get submission counts per day. If a date field is used as the group, the result will be grouped by day. * *group* - field to group submission counts by * *name* - name to be applied to the group on results Example ^^^^^^^^^ :: GET /api/v1/stats/submissions/1?group=_submission_time&name=day_of_submission Response ^^^^^^^^^ :: [ { "count": 8, "day_of_submission": "2013-11-15", }, { "count": 99, "day_of_submission": "2013-11-16", }, { "count": 133, "day_of_submission": "2013-11-17", }, { "count": 162, "day_of_submission": "2013-11-18", }, { "count": 102, "day_of_submission": "2013-11-19", } ]