Form Submissions

Implements OpenRosa API here

Submit an XML XForm submission

POST /api/v1/submissions


curl -X POST -F xml_submission_file=@/path/to/submission.xml

Submit a JSON XForm submission

POST /api/v1/submissions


curl -X POST -d '{"id": "[id_string]", "submission": [the JSON]} -u user:pass -H "Content-Type: application/json"


The [id_string] here is in the name of your form as exposed in the Ona UI and the id_string as per the Forms API.

Here is some example JSON, it would replace [the JSON] above:

    "transport": {
        "available_transportation_types_to_referral_facility": ["ambulance", "bicycle"],
        "loop_over_transport_types_frequency": {
            "ambulance": {
                "frequency_to_referral_facility": "daily"
            "bicycle": {
                "frequency_to_referral_facility": "weekly"
            "boat_canoe": null,
            "bus": null,
            "donkey_mule_cart": null,
            "keke_pepe": null,
            "lorry": null,
            "motorbike": null,
            "taxi": null,
            "other": null
    "meta": {
        "instanceID": "uuid:f3d8dc65-91a6-4d0f-9e97-802128083390"

Submit a FLOIP XForm submission

To make a FLOIP submission, specify the content type header as "Content-Type: application/" and the [FLOIP data] in a list of rows format each row having 6 values. The FLOIP data format is specified here.

The values in each row should be in the following order:
  • Timestamp

  • Row ID

  • Contact ID

  • Question ID

  • Response

  • Response metadata

POST /{user}/{pk}/submission


curl -X POST[user]/[pk]/submission -H "Content-Type: application/" -d '[FLOIP data]'

Here is an example of what will replace [FLOIP data]:

  [ "2017-05-23T13:35:37.356-04:00", 20394823948, 923842093, "ae54d3", "female", {"option_order": ["male","female"]} ],
  [ "2017-05-23T13:35:47.012-04:00", 20394823950, 923842093, "ae54d7", "chocolate", {} ]

Edit an existing XForm submission

POST /api/v1/submissions

Same request as above for both XML and JSON XForm submission while providing a deprecatedID and newly generated instanceID.


curl -X POST -d '{"id": "[id_string]", "submission": [the JSON]} -u user:pass -H "Content-Type: application/json"


When editing an existing submission, deprecatedID needs to be provided as one of the meta fields. deprecatedID is the instanceID of the submission which is being updated and instanceID is the newly generated instanceID. See OpenRosa MetaData Schema for more details.

Here is some example JSON provided for updating an exisiting instance, it would replace [the JSON] above:

    "transport": {
        "available_transportation_types_to_referral_facility": ["ambulance", "bicycle"],
        "loop_over_transport_types_frequency": {
            "ambulance": {
                "frequency_to_referral_facility": "daily"
            "bicycle": {
                "frequency_to_referral_facility": "weekly"
            "boat_canoe": null,
            "bus": null,
            "donkey_mule_cart": null,
            "keke_pepe": null,
            "lorry": null,
            "motorbike": null,
            "taxi": null,
            "other": null
    "meta": {
        "instanceID": "uuid:f3d8dc65-91a6-4d0f-9e98-802128083390",
        "deprecatedID": "uuid:f3d8dc65-91a6-4d0f-9e97-802128083390"
