onadata.libs.mixins package


onadata.libs.mixins.anonymous_user_mixin module

Implements AnonymousUserMixin class

Sets the DB AnonymousUser object to a request user to allow for object permission checks.

class onadata.libs.mixins.anonymous_user_mixin.AnonymousUserMixin

Bases: object

Implements AnonymousUserMixin class

Sets the DB AnonymousUser object to a request user to allow for object permission checks.


Set AnonymousUser from the database to allow object permissions.

onadata.libs.mixins.anonymous_user_public_forms_mixin module

Implements the AnonymousUserPublicFormsMixin class

Filters only public forms.

class onadata.libs.mixins.anonymous_user_public_forms_mixin.AnonymousUserPublicFormsMixin

Bases: object

Implements the AnonymousUserPublicFormsMixin class

Filters only public forms.


Public forms only for anonymous Users.

onadata.libs.mixins.authenticate_header_mixin module

Implements the AuthenticateHeaderMixin class

Set’s the appropriate authentication header using either the TempToken or Token.

class onadata.libs.mixins.authenticate_header_mixin.AuthenticateHeaderMixin

Bases: object

Implements the AuthenticateHeaderMixin class

Set’s the appropriate authentication header using either the TempToken or Token.


Set’s the appropriate authentication header using either the TempToken or Token.

onadata.libs.mixins.cache_control_mixin module

Cache control mixin

class onadata.libs.mixins.cache_control_mixin.CacheControlBase

Bases: object

Base class for Cache Control header handlers

set_cache_control(response, cache_control_directives: dict | None = None)

Sets the Cache-Control headers on a Response object. The Optional cache_control_directives arguement is used to override the directives set in settings as well as the classes own CACHE_CONTROL_DIRECTIVES value

class onadata.libs.mixins.cache_control_mixin.CacheControlMiddleware(get_response)

Bases: CacheControlBase

Django Middleware used to set Cache-Control header for every response

class onadata.libs.mixins.cache_control_mixin.CacheControlMixin

Bases: CacheControlBase

Django Rest Framework ViewSet mixin for Cache-Control

finalize_response(request, response, *args, **kwargs)

Finalize respone function; called before the response is returned to the client

onadata.libs.mixins.etags_mixin module

Implements the EtagsMixin class

Adds Etag headers to the viewset response.

class onadata.libs.mixins.etags_mixin.ETagsMixin

Bases: object

Applies the Etag on GET responses with status code 200, 201, 202

self.etag_data - if it is set, the etag is calculated from this data,

otherwise the date_modifed of self.object or self.object_list is used.

finalize_response(request, response, *args, **kwargs)

Overrides the finalize_response method

Adds the Etag header to response.

set_etag_header(etag_value, etag_hash=None)

Updates the response headers with Etag header

onadata.libs.mixins.labels_mixin module

LabelMixin module

class onadata.libs.mixins.labels_mixin.LabelsMixin

Bases: object

LabelsMixin - adds labels method that processes labels.

labels(request, **kwargs)

Process request to labels endpoint.


request – HTTP request object.


A response object based on the type of request.

class onadata.libs.mixins.labels_mixin.TagForm(data=None, files=None, auto_id='id_%s', prefix=None, initial=None, error_class=<class 'django.forms.utils.ErrorList'>, label_suffix=None, empty_permitted=False, field_order=None, use_required_attribute=None, renderer=None)

Bases: Form

TagForm form

base_fields = {'tags': <taggit.forms.TagField object>}
declared_fields = {'tags': <taggit.forms.TagField object>}
property media

Return all media required to render the widgets on this form.

onadata.libs.mixins.labels_mixin.process_label_request(request, label, instance)

Process request to labels endpoint.

  • request – HTTP request object.

  • label – label that is being acted on.

  • instance – object that label is applied to.


A response object based on the type of request.

onadata.libs.mixins.last_modified_mixin module

Implements the LastModifiedMixin class

Adds the Last-Modified header to a viewset response.

class onadata.libs.mixins.last_modified_mixin.LastModifiedMixin

Bases: object

Implements the LastModifiedMixin class

Adds the Last-Modified header to a viewset response.

finalize_response(request, response, *args, **kwargs)

Overrides the finalize_response method

Adds the Last-Modified header to a viewset response.

last_modified_date = None
last_modified_field = 'modified'

onadata.libs.mixins.multi_lookup_mixin module

Implements MultiLookupMixin class

Looks up an object using multiple lookup fields.

class onadata.libs.mixins.multi_lookup_mixin.MultiLookupMixin

Bases: object

Implements MultiLookupMixin class

Looks up an object using multiple lookup fields.


Looks up an object using multiple lookup fields.

onadata.libs.mixins.object_lookup_mixin module

Implements ObjectLookupMixin class

Incase the lookup is on an object that has been hyperlinked then update the queryset filter appropriately

class onadata.libs.mixins.object_lookup_mixin.ObjectLookupMixin

Bases: object

Implements ObjectLookupMixin class

Incase the lookup is on an object that has been hyperlinked then update the queryset filter appropriately


Incase the lookup is on an object that has been hyperlinked then update the queryset filter appropriately

onadata.libs.mixins.openrosa_headers_mixin module

OpenRosaHeadersMixin module

class onadata.libs.mixins.openrosa_headers_mixin.OpenRosaHeadersMixin

Bases: object

OpenRosaHeadersMixin class - sets OpenRosa headers in a response for a View or Viewset.

finalize_response(request, response, *args, **kwargs)

Adds OpenRosa headers into the response.

onadata.libs.mixins.openrosa_headers_mixin.get_openrosa_headers(request, location=True)

Returns a dict with OpenRosa headers ‘Date’, ‘X-OpenRosa-Version’, ‘X-OpenRosa-Accept-Content-Length’ and ‘Location’.

onadata.libs.mixins.profiler_mixin module

Implements a ProfilerMixin - profiles a Django Rest Framework viewset.

class onadata.libs.mixins.profiler_mixin.ProfilerMixin

Bases: object

Implements a ProfilerMixin - profiles a Django Rest Framework viewset.

dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)

Override the viewset dispatch method.

get_serializer(instance=None, data=<class 'rest_framework.fields.empty'>, **kwargs)

Override the get_serializer() method.

onadata.libs.mixins.profiler_mixin.finished(sender, **kwargs)

Signal that captures the end of the timer

onadata.libs.mixins.profiler_mixin.started(sender, **kwargs)

Signal that starts the timer

onadata.libs.mixins.total_header_mixin module

onadata.libs.mixins.xform_id_string_lookup module

XForm id_strng lookup mixin class

Looks up an XForm using the id_string.

class onadata.libs.mixins.xform_id_string_lookup.XFormIdStringLookupMixin

Bases: object

XForm id_strng lookup mixin class

Looks up an XForm using the id_string.


Looks up an XForm object using the id_string

Returns the XForm object or raises a 404 HTTP response exception

lookup_id_string = 'id_string'

Module contents